
Our Carbon Intelligence Platform Does More Than Just Measure

We not only make it easy for you to measure your carbon footprint across scopes 1,2 and 3 with accuracy and confidence but we also enable you to share it easily with stakeholders, and realize tangible reductions through the use of cutting edge technology.

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Our platform measures across all Scopes in a fast, efficient and easy-to-use manner. Our cutting-edge technology and intelligent design coupled with the best data have changed the game of carbon accounting.

Measurement across scopes 1,2 and 3.
Specialization in Scope 3 and Product Carbon Footprints (PCF’s)
Easily updated to reflect ongoing reduction efforts at the company and product level
Easy and fast to set up, no prior knowledge or experience required

CarbonOne’s market-leading Scope 1 & 2 solution makes it a breeze to calculate emissions across multiple facilities in unlimited regions, and according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard. Using cutting-edge IoT technology, our solution automates activity data input to provide a live, real-time Scope 1 & 2 footprint. No more spreadsheets, no more chasing down invoices, no resources required to collect and enter data, and no complicated connections to existing ERP and Financial Accounting Systems. Our Platform not only provides the ultimate solution to Scope 1 & 2 accounting, it will also supercharge reduction efforts.

Scope 3

Representing the vast majority (up to 95% or more) of a company's carbon footprint, Scope 3 is no longer a nice to do, it is a requirement for doing business in a Net Zero world. The challenge is unlike Scope 1 & 2, Scope 3 is very complex, requires specialized data and is cost-prohibitive for most companies.

CarbonOne is changing the game on Scope 3, including Product Carbon Footprints with a high level of accuracy and abilityto show progress over time. Our cutting-edge technology Platform automates Life Cycle Assessments to produce highly accurate Product Carbon Footprints at a fraction of the cost and time with no prior knowledge or experience required.

The great thing about doing Product Carbon Footprints is that you also cover multiple Scope 3 categories including:

Category 1: Purchased Goods & Services
Category 4: Upstream Transportation & Distribution
Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations
Category 9: Downstream Transportation & Distribution

Unlike some foreign market players who use generic or spend based proxy data, global averages and modeling, inflating your PCF and Scope 3 emissions up to 20% or more, CarbonOne’s platform is designed specifically for Food & Beverage companies and uses the best data. This provides food and beverage companies with the highest accuracy which typically translates to the lowest possible product carbon footprints while saving time and money.

As a trusted partner to leading food and beverage brands, we make calculating Product Carbon Footprints easy and affordable and give brands confidence knowing footprints meet all required international standards and customer reporting requirements.

Contact us to learn more.

Report with confidence knowing your footprints are compliant with the required international standards and meet customer requirements, reporting is available in multiple, easy-to-share formats to make climate transparency a breeze.

Calculation Methodology meets all global, national and retailer standards across all Scopes
Easily export footprint information in multiple formats for use in reports & presentations
Communicate progress over time, it's easy to share what you want internally or with external stakeholders.
Fully auditable to support internal and 3rd party assurance.
Every Product Carbon Footprint comes with a Certificate of Approval and a downloadable Carbon Label to speak directly with consumers.

Easily set and track science-based Based Targets and accelerate Net Zero efforts with the right carbon intelligence. Uncover cost reduction opportunities and perform scenario analysis to inform product and business development.

Easily set and track progress against reduction targets including SBTi Net-Zero FLAG Targets.
Hot-spot Identification to focus reduction efforts.
Model various scenarios to inform product and business development.
Understand direct carbon costs and forecast future costs to uncover cost reduction and avoidance opportunities.
Ground breaking Scope 1&2 solution provides visibility across operations and down to single production lines to easily uncover energy and carbon reduction opportunities that will greatly accelerate Scope 1&2 reduction efforts.
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